04.07.2021, 17:59
Zum Projekt: TK Player - Multiformat AHI Player
Dies ist der Code zum
TK Player013 lite.bb2
Und dieser für
TK Player014.bb2
Dies ist der Code zum
TK Player013 lite.bb2
optimize 7
Syntax 2
ver.s = "$VER: TKPlayer Lite 1.2 (\\__DATE_GER__)"
#buffersize = 250 ; 100 msecs double buffering
#ahi_unit = 0 ; play on ahi.device unit 0
XINCLUDE "dos.include.bb2"
XINCLUDE "file_audio.include.bb2"
XINCLUDE "ahi_device.include.bb2"
error_flags {#error_stout}
dummy.l = dos_settaskpri {2}
succ.l = True
If NumPars>0 Then filename.s = Par$(1)
If ahi_open{#ahi_unit} ; open ahi.device
If ahi_stream_open{filename.s,#buffersize}
While succ=True
succ = ahi_stream_do{}
signals.l = Wait_(-1)
If (signals & #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) Then succ=False
End If
Delay_ 2
ahi_close {}
End If
Und dieser für
TK Player014.bb2
optimize 7
Syntax 2
ver.s = "$VER: TKPlayer 1.4 (\\__DATE_GER__)"
#max_files= 2
XINCLUDE "dos.include.bb2"
XINCLUDE "file_audio.include.bb2"
XINCLUDE "ahi_device.include.bb2"
speed.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"SPEED",100}
infos.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"INFO",0}
nogui.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"NOGUI",0}
ahiunit.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"AHIUNIT",0}
pri.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"PRI",2}
buffersize.l = dos_gettoolvalue{"BUFFERSIZE",250}
If dos_numpars{}>0 Then filename.s = dos_nextarg{};:Else error {"no cli args !"}
option.s = UCase$(dos_nextarg{})
If Peek.b(&option.s) = @"-" Then option.s = Right$(option.s,Len(otpion.s)-1)
Select option.s
Case "NOGUI"
nogui.l = True
Case "SPEED"
speed.l = Vallong(dos_nextarg{})
msoffset.l = Vallong(dos_nextarg{})
If msoffset<0 Then msoffset=0
Case "INFO"
infos.l = True
ahiunit = Vallong(dos_nextarg{})
buffersize = Vallong(dos_nextarg{})
Case "PRI"
pri.l = Vallong(dos_nextarg{})
End Select
Until option.s = ""
If nogui=False Then infos=False
If buffersize<10 Then buffersize=10
If buffersize>10000 Then buffersize=10000
If speed<50 Then speed=50
If speed>200 Then speed=200
If ahiunit>3 OR ahiunit<0 Then ahiunit=0
If filename.s><"?" AND filename.s><"-h"
dos.l = ffa_read {filename.s}
If dos.l><-1
fil.s = file_name {dos} ; read file properties
channels.l = ffa_channels {dos} : If channels><1 AND channels><2 Then channels = 2
samplerate.l = ffa_samplerate {dos}
bits.l = ffa_bits {dos} : If bits><16 AND bits><8 Then bits = 16
todo.l = ffa_blength {dos}
frsize.l = ffa_framesize {dos}
filename.s = file_fullname {dos}
ahibuffersize.l = buffersize
buffersize.l = buffersize * samplerate / 1000
buffersize * channels * Int(bits/2)
If buffersize<256 Then buffersize=256
blength.l = todo.l
bufflength.l = todo / buffersize
If bufflength<1 Then bufflength=1
succ.l = True
fsamplerate.f = samplerate
foffset.f = msoffset
foffset = foffset * fsamplerate / 1000
fileoffset.l = foffset
If fileoffset>0
succ.l = ffa_seek{dos,fileoffset}
todo - fileoffset *frsize
End If
sectime.l = blength / samplerate / channels * 8 / bits
totaltime.l = sectime : If totaltime<1 Then totaltime=1
mintime.l = sectime / 60
sectime.l = sectime MOD 60
Format "00"
tim.s = "/"+Str$(mintime)+":"+Str$(sectime)+" "+fil.s
b.s = Str$(0)+":"+Str$(0)+tim.s
flength.l = blength/frsize
If infos
Format ""
NPrint "File: ",filename.s
Format "00"
NPrint "Duration: ",Str$(mintime)+":"+Str$(sectime)
Format ""
NPrint "Samplerate: ",samplerate
NPrint "Bits: ",bits
NPrint "Channels: ",channels
NPrint "Sampleframes: ",flength
Format "00"
NPrint "Starting ..."
End If
If nogui=False
*scr.Screen = Peek.l(Addr Screen(0))
titleheight.l = *scr\WBorTop + *scr\Font\ta_YSize + 1
pixwidth.l = Min(TextLength_ (*scr\RastPort,&b.s,Peek.l(&b.s-4)) +64,*scr\Width-32)
Window 0,(*scr\Width-pixwidth)/2,*scr\Height/2-6,pixwidth,titleheight,$E,b.s,1,0
End If
dummy.l = dos_settaskpri {pri}
If ahi_open{ahiunit} ; open ahi.device
If ahi_stream_open{filename.s,ahibuffersize,speed}
While succ=True
If succ Then succ = ahi_stream_do{}
sectime.l = ahi_stream_timeindex{} / samplerate
mintime.l = sectime / 60
sectime.l = sectime MOD 60
procent.l = ahi_stream_timeindex{} / samplerate * 100 / totaltime
a.s = Str$(mintime)+":"+Str$(sectime)+tim.s
If a.s >< b.s
If nogui=False
;If locklayer{0}
SetWindowTitles_ Peek.l(Addr Window(0)),&a.s,0
; unlocklayer{}
;End If
End If
If infos
Format ""
c.s = Str$(procent)+"% - "
Format "00"
c.s = Str$(mintime)+":"+Str$(sectime)
NPrint Chr$(11)+"playing ",c.s,tim.s
End If
b.s = a.s
End If
signals.l = Wait_(-1)
If (signals & #SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) Then succ=False
Repeat ; check for closewindow event
If idcmp = #IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW Then succ=False
Until idcmp = 0
End If
Delay_ 5
ahi_close {}
End If
ffa_close {dos}
End If
NPrint "Usage: TKPlayer [?] [<filename>] [ahiunit ...] [buffersize ...] [info] [nogui] [speed ...] [offset ...] [pri ...]"
NPrint " "
NPrint "Parameters:"
NPrint " filename - valid DOS filename with path"
NPrint " ahiunit - 0..3, unit of ahi.device"
NPrint " buffersize - buffersize in milliseconds, default is 250"
NPrint " speed - playback speed in %, default is 100"
NPrint " offset - offset from where to start playback in ms, default is 0"
NPrint " info - display infos in shell"
NPrint " nogui - do not open playback window"
NPrint " pri - set task priority, default is 2"
NPrint " ? - display this help"
NPrint " "
NPrint "Example: TKPlayer Sys:Music/mymusic.mp3 ahiunit 1 buffersize 500 nogui speed 75 offset 1000"
NPrint "This will play the file \\22Sys:Music/mymusic.mp3\\22 on ahi unit 1 with a buffersize of 0,5 secs, at 75% speed, from 1sec after the beginning, showing no gui window"
NPrint " "
End If
If infos
NPrint "Done."
End If