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GUI-Example: WB-like BorderScrollbars
Wenn man ein Fenster erzeugen will, das ringsum dieselben Scrollbars und auch Pfeile hat, wie man sie von den Workbench-Fenstern kennt, geht man folgendermaßen vor:

Es wird aktuell noch nichts gescrollt, das kann man implementieren, wie man mag; also Superbitmap oder eine eigene Liste usw..
; BorderGadgets Example BlitzBasic2
; by F.Brandis


;We Use a GZZ Window Type, therefore we have our own
; Rastport we can draw upon inside the window`s frame
; with origin 0,0

;note the negative coords!
; the winborder gadgets have a relative size
;    to the windows dimensions

;don`t forget special GZZ flags all around
;to be really font-sensitive we should get the screen's Barheight for setting the correct y-pos of the right scrollbar

PropGadget 2,-13,16,$11000|16|2|128|256,1, 11,-50 ;right vert
PropGadget 2,  3,-7,$18000|8|4|64|256  ,2,-54,6   ;botm horiz
SetVProp   2,  1,0,1
SetHProp   2,  2,0,1

;here too,
;relativity flags are req. for positioning:

;%10 = rel. to bottom edge (if window is resizable)
;% 1 = dito right edge

;so all x,y are negative as relative to the right/bottom
;   from their dimensions

ArrowGadget2,3,$B,-17,-31,%11,1   ;up
ArrowGadget2,4,$D,-17,-20,%11,1   ;down

ArrowGadget2,5,$A,-49,- 9,%11,1   ;left
ArrowGadget2,6,$C,-33,- 9,%11,1   ;right

;note:                   x400 for GZZ window
Window 2,140,90,200,100,$14FF,"scroll me",0,2,2


Until WaitEvent=$200

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
GUI-Example: WB-like BorderScrollbars - von hackball - 27.02.2021, 16:40
Superbitmap Scrolling - von hackball - 27.02.2021, 23:25

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